The HHAC conference is known for offering up to date education on relevant topics within Home Care, Hospice, Private Duty and general topics that cover all three of these tracks. Do you have a hot topic that you would like to submit to present at the 2022 Conference in Keystone, CO, May 5-6, 2022? Take a look at what you will need during the submission process and submit your proposal before February 13, 2022 in order to be considered during the review process.
Items Needed for the Submission:
- Lead presenter information (Name, Contact Information, Bio and Headshot)
- Any Fees that are charged for the presentation
- Presentation title
- Presentation description
- 3 learning objectives
- Applicable track the the presentation would fall under
- Level of the content
- Target Audience
Submission Deadline: February 13, 2022
Review Period: February 14, 2022 – February 25, 2022
Accepted Presenters Notified By: March 4, 2022
Other Information:
- For the annual conference, the primary presenter will receive a 50% discount on conference registration. A second presenter will receive a 25% discount on conference registration. Additional presenters must pay applicable conference registration fees in full. Speakers are required to register for conference if they plan on attending any sessions outside of their presentation.
- If selected to speak at the annual conference, you will be contacted by the Meeting Planner for the conference to complete the Speaker Agreement and provide all of the required information.